Favour Health Ltd

Favour Health Ltd is registered with CQC to support individuals between the ages of 16 to 65. In 2020 the CQC rated us as ‘Good’ across all standards. We support young people and adults, many of whom are at risk of child sexual and criminal exploitation and exhibit challenging behaviors including self-harm, suicidal ideations, violence, drug/alcohol misuse
Favour Health has many years of experience in looking after young people over the age of 16. We are in the process of registering our 16-plus supported accommodations with Ofsted.
Favour Health Ltd also supports adults with
learning/physical disabilities, Autism, ADHD, personality disorders, and mental ill-health.

Call : 01536681127

Placements for service users

Favour Health Ltd enables service users to step down from hospital settings or more secure environments.  We have many years of experience in working with service users with a Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Illness and Personality Disorder and developed a unique approach to managing the most complex individuals with very challenging behaviour. We constantly refine our expertise and are proud to have the ability to manage challenging behaviour in a homely, less restrictive environment.


Our environments really facilitate progress

Together we have developed detailed and proven methods to ensure that our facility supports the needs of the service user. All of our services have Wi-Fi throughout which enables service users to complete e-learning, keep in touch with family and friends, and maintain and develop their knowledge of technology. We recognize that the environment plays a key role in the progression of our service users and we invest continuously in maintaining and developing our environments in accordance with the needs of our service users, allowing them to move on to more independent living as quickly as possible.

Our services are situated in realistic community settings

All services are situated close to city, town or village centres and all have good transport links, both to other towns and to the motorway network. Services are situated within easy reach of local community resources such as advocacy services, healthy lifestyles groups, fitness centres, local colleges, and employment support services; all such links can be developed whilst at Favour Health and continued on leaving our services, enabling our service users to leave us with a good community support network.

Here when you need us
We are responsive to all enquiries and aim to assess within 48 hours of receiving all documentation. Our services are able to take emergency placements providing funding is in place and our Placement Coordinators are available to discuss any referral or enquiry or provide more information about our services. You can contact us on 07877679304  or info@favourhealth.co.uk